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The school of life

“The school of life” that people are talking about. What does that mean?

We learn from our mistakes that make us grow. Grow to what? New life? Better understanding of our actions that are programmed into our development of a passionate talent. What ever you do, life goes on. Life never stops. Just ticking. Whatever happens, time is ticking on. Never stops …

So what to do? When I sit by the sea, it feels like time is standing still, but still the waves roll toward the shore nearly every second …

A music piece usually lasts a couple minutes. An image is perceived within a tenth of a second … but the experience can be for hours. It is as if the image or certain music triggers memories of a bygone era.

We have learned an interpretive system and our mind categorizes different memories in different compartments. Happiness, fun, sorrow, incomprehension. And the more complicated words of sympathy and empathy. Not to mention the parasympathetic nervous system reflexes in the limbic system. … Oh. The last was perhaps a bit too advanced. Simplified, this means that if you meditate on the beach, it is very likely that you activate the parasympathetic system. In other words, you are resting in any form.

But this is still only a crude explanation for something we do not understand.

It is said that we use 5-10% of our brain capacity. Perhaps it is so that we only understand 5-10% of the brain and therefore we believe that we only use 5-10%.

You may have heard this story before, but I will tell it again: A professor I have worked with in the 90s said: if you take a foghorn on the concert hall outer wall, while a symphony orchestra is playing and you try to listen through the fog horn if the Violin I is tuned or not. Maybe that is the greatest challenge for some scientists.

This story says several things. Two interesting things I want to highlight, this time: One, we do not have the right instruments to measure what happens in the body Two, what does it matter if violin is tuned or not, when we do not understand why we get so emotional when the orchestra plays as a whole ….

Rene Descarte divide the body into different parts that create the medical profession specialties today. Eyes, nose, mouth, ears, liver, lung, bone, heart and more.

In a diagnosis, doctors rarely see the whole body as one unit. It’s like trying to find the violin that is not tuned …. I do not want to insult the medical profession, they do a fantastic job and I would have been dead without them. Several times over …

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