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To take a stand for or against and decide?

Thoughts this week … To take a stand, for or against, and decide? How do I do this? I have no idea. There are many positions I must do all the time on many things. I try to proceed: What is good for me or in coaching What is good for the client?

By not taking a stand, I take a stand still. I surrender the responsibility to someone else. Or let life control me more randomly if I do not take a stand.

In terms of energy, you lose energy unless you don’t decide. You place the decision unconsciously on a mental shelf where it lies and sparkles just like loose power cords.

When deciding, it is like taking the plug and plugging it into the wall socket and the light is on. Then you see everything much clearer and you do not have to squint with your eyes to see what more decision you will take. You can puff out and the body relaxes.

Perhaps this metaphor can help how important it is to take a decision.

When it comes to making decisions about food, I really try to transfer this to my wife / sister as far as possible. I have a great defense because she is a Chef (even five-star Chef). She knows more about food than me and I have more attitude: Oh, are we going to eat today too …

More complicated decisions, I often must weigh in other factors. Thereafter, a couple of decisions are made and lots of new decisions must be made.


When I moved to Thailand, it’s not just moving. The cramps in my body disappear, but how to survive in Thailand, legally leave Sweden, state of residence in Thailand and more. My friends, assignments I had in Sweden and divorce me from my wife.

First, I must make the decision to move. You cannot, for example, legally leave Sweden in case I’m moving. You must actually move from Sweden first.

You should decide about “The Core”, the essence first. The main subject where everything circles around.

So what’s the essence of your life? How to Find What’s Essential in Your Life?

Next week I will write about How to find the essence of life …

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