Mikael Avatar Stjernvall

Aug 25, 20182 min

Thoughts this week

Recently (2-3 years) I’ve tested artistic videos, youtube and lots of different systems for a better world for me.

Make me happy? Hmmmm … I have had happy moments all the time and have all the time in my world …

But a constant blast of happiness 24 hours a day, I can not claim I have!

Now is the quietest time in Thailand, where I live. The rain has begun. But that does not stop me from being at sea several times a week. It’s so quiet, by the sea.

Someone asks how to define what I’m coaching in. However, I could not explain. So I ask some people about what I do. Everyone answers the same thing:

It’s not possible. It just has to be experienced.

There are amazing replies, but how to explain to someone who does not know or do not need my coaching. Everyone knows someone who wants to develop.

Memories of something amazing you created for them …

I may have to start molding, what happens in people’s lives, as an explanation of my input / contribution to the world.

Children who come to me and after a while can count math again. Or a man / woman who resigns from work and starts his own business around his own passion. Or someone else who can start communicating based on their worldview, they have never been able to express themselves. Muscle tension that disappears in the body of people because they finally understand what is happening.

People who think of words I said and daily change their worldview for the better. There are many people over the years. 1000’s of meetings and experiences. Unforgettable moments. Both for people I met and myself.

All people who work with people have stories where their contributions have changed people’s lives.

One woman whispered in my ear once: Thank you for being there. I looked a little over her and she said: My son received a diagnosis for the rest of his life today and I cried desperately because he’s only 4 years old. Then I thought about you and your lecture that everything is possible. So I did not have to cry anymore, she said, and see you here the same day after so many years make it true, so thanks … then she disappeared without I could comment.

Second, sequences that are forever available and can be retrieved to not forget who I am and what my innermost goal has been throughout my life. Many have listened and many will never listen because I’m not in their worldview. I do not want to be there either. I just want to reach a few who really want to see something else.

You may be one of them. But I know you are one of the people who changes the lives of other people. Whether you want or not …

Thoughts this week by Mikael Avatar … maybe, will be a video next week we’ll see …

#mikaelstjernvall #mikaelavatar #inspire #purpose #life #mikaelavatarstjernvall
