Mikael Avatar Stjernvall

Nov 23, 20191 min

Thoughts create 100% of your reality

I usually ask what reality people live in. It is a statement that requires a little thought. It’s easy to answer my own or society’s reality. But it’s a little trickier than that.

You live in the reality you decide!

Many people say then. I haven’t chosen, but you have. The thought that exists every day determines the reality you live in. Not what you do or say. That’s what you think of.

Your body language often also speaks of how you live or should I say think. It is said that 70-80% of all communication is with the body and movements. Your subconscious mind is mirrored in body language.

CIA / FBI / police officers all over the world go to special training to be able to see in a crowd what people’s intentions are. They study the body language to reveal what you intend to do.

We have grown up thinking in a special way. This is to fit into society’s standards. Follow the system, which is accepted by the community. This is how you should live a life, says society.

What I wonder is:

If now the thought is controlling, 100% the reality you create. Why don’t we get education in elementary school how to control the thoughts so that we can create the life everyone wants?

Today’s reflection one Saturday morning in Thailand


Laurenz Kleinheider

Benjamin Davies


#life #mikaelavatar #perspective #Thoughtscreate100ofyourreality
