Mikael Avatar Stjernvall

May 13, 20193 min

Are you paranormal?

Can you see what the neighbor does 5 apartments away if you close your eyes?

This is one of the qualifications exercises the monk gets to be able to become one with himself. Being able to see through walls when you close your eyes.

When I was 10-12 years old, I read about this in a book, being able to see what the neighbors are doing. So I, as always, tested. Then I went over to the neighbor and checked if it was true.

So after quite a short time, I could easily know when to go to the neighbors if something interesting was going on. This created problems after a while, they started wondering how I know time after time when come. I could not directly at that time, tell them that I am training to become a monk …

Am I psychic / paranormal?

No, I am not. I have only trained the ability to, as one carelessly says, the stomach feeling. Everyone has this. That’s when you just know, and you feel like something is going on …

What I’m talking about is more metaphysics. Common sense and logical explanations. Parents usually know when things happen to the children, though they are not nearby, maybe not even in the same city.

It is some form of energy that cannot be scientifically explained directly.

How can you train more of your ability to know things or develop your stomach feeling …

Start training with something simple. You sit in a coffee or restaurant and start observing people.

Think about how their lives look. When you have a list of 5-7 things. Go to the person wondering if that is true.

I did this often with a friend when I went to writing school. This is to find characters to rewrite. After a few times, we became very good to get right.

I went to the person and said:

Excuse me, this is an odd question!

Me and my friend go to the writing school and we train in characters when we write. Our teacher (this was a lie) says that we should observe and then ask the people if it is right. Does it matter if I say any traits of character, we perceive about you?

No one said No. They were curious about what we came up with.

I remember a man we thought worked in TV in some form. He replied no, that he was not working in the TV. I continued with the other characters in what we believed about him. Everything was right except TV. Finally, after more questions, he said:

– Wait, before I usually occasionally help as a picture producer at major events, such as the Eurovision song contest, but it is just a hobby and not a job.

So I urge you to go out and test your ability what you think of other people. People who work in business you shop regularly. You feel something in your stomach about that person. Maybe they are in the wrong place and where do you think they would fit better? Then just ask: I perceive you as a person who would fit within …? And then you see what happens.

The best thing is with people you don’t know.

I promise you are good at this and with practice, life becomes much more exciting …

Everyone does this consciously or unconsciously. It’s no hocus pocus. Some people we are drawn to and others we have a restrictive attitude. So, you do this already. I just want you to be more aware and then you can make completely different decisions in life.

Write a comment below about your experiences on this? I comment on everyone and really look forward to your story.

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