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The narrow road or the wide road of life?

The narrow road or the wide road of life? Which way are you going to

go? The wide road is easiest in one way. It is the one that many go. Later in life you become more specialized and are on the narrower road. The narrow road is narrow, snowy and sometimes only a path in the woods without direction. It goes into the dark and completely disappears. You must glow inside yourself to light up the path, which is not present. Nobody has gone there before you. Example: First, I did various sports, judo, swimming, football, orientation sports. Was actually in the national team in Orientation sports so I was a little specialized. But the athletics track was my narrow road. Long jump was what took me to the stars and I can still use this to inspire people, titled former world record holder from Paralympics 1996 Atlanta. Most people do not exercise 15-20 years for a long jump at Paralympics, which takes 6 seconds to complete. That’s not what’s interesting. What I’m doing after. How do I use this knowledge and, above all, how can I transform this so that other people can find their narrow path in life.

Tell me what way you go and how narrow has it become over time?

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