How lost am I …
If we play with the idea that we are lost on the sea, in a boat…
We say we travel for a month with the boat and we don’t know where we are…
When I sailed across the Atlantic, in 1988, we did not see land in 30 days. It was water / sea in every direction all the way to the horizon. Finding someone who is lost is impossible. Even though today’s technology is well developed, it is difficult to find someone if they do not have a contactable signal system.
It is said that life is a lonely experience. We can share thoughts with other people, but really life is a lonely person’s experience. At sea you / I are small. Water and again water. In life, I / you are lost the majority of the time, my hypothesis.
So when we travel for a month at sea and do not know where we are. How long does it take to find back or find something we want to find that we don’t know. One month? Hardly. If it is a month to travel in all directions, it will take significantly more time. It is said that it takes 30 days of daily metal training to be able to change a thought pattern. And probably longer before it’s fully automated.
Most people I have met through life all have a boat to go anywhere. But very few have left the harbor. They look at the horizon and dream. Not today the waves seem high or there will be rain today. When the sea is shiny and the sun is shining beautifully like a beast. Are we saying: Not today I’ll enjoy now when it’s finally sun…
So the boat stays in the harbor all life and the dream keeps life in its longing. Dr. Frankel, the book “Life Must Have a Meaning,” he interviewed people who were with the Holocaust and everyone had something to hook their lives on. A love that awaited, a child who might be alive, a house / village / social life that they showed had to be found when everything was over in the camps. So my boat in the harbor is being refurbished and taken care of in case the journey begins today … if I lose faith that the dream will not come. I lose my life. People without dreams and goals are dead corpses, who live shortly after they lose faith. Time and time again I see this happening. When the dream is gone and no new dream exists. Life faded away and only a diffuse shadow can be seen.
In last week’s text I said that: The interesting thing is not what you start to change in your life today, but if you still in 5 years make your new habits.
It usually takes 5 years, before what you start with, gets a meaning in life. It took me 100 paintings before I felt that I might be an artist. 100 YouTube videos before I could really edit videos I wanted. More than 100 pieces of music before I really felt that the music, I was creating was like something I wanted to create…
Partly it is the craft I need to learn, but most of all how to think. How I step by step see my eyes open and I see things I couldn’t do before…
So how many hours do I have left before I can see what I really want to create?
Are you lost in your life?