🔥🔥🔥 2020 the year when everything will be different right ??
My experience with myself and others I coached for 40 years and more than 20,000 hours of one to one coaching is:
No one wants to go anywhere voluntarily if they do not suffer and their whole existence is not threatened
I have not met anyone who has moved from where they are to a better standard in their lives without a coach / mentor or inspirer to help do what is required, including myself
Only 3 out of 100 people succeed though they have a coach / mentor or inspirer to help them come to a completely different way of living a life
Next everyone I talked to wants to live another life, but only 3 out of 100 manage to create this
A little of the above statements, he may explain that the coaching industry is only at the beginning of development. Are the coaches too bad because only 3 out of 100 succeed?
Most people who have a coach / mentor / inspirer feel better and have a better understanding of their life, after collaboration.
My mentors I use say that people pay between $ 1000 and $ 10,000 for help for a better life, but 3 out of 100 people do the work that is actually required to take your life elsewhere. 97 people do not do the work, to come to a better life, though they paid for their own development.
3 out of 100 sounds very little, so let me explain. When you were a kid you might paint, ride a horse, play some instrument, play football or some other sport. How many of them you met when you were a child are now:
Artists, work with horses, musicians, or professional sports woman / man?
Probably fewer than 3 people… So we humans test a lot of things but it is about 3 out of 100 that actually after 5 years is still doing what we tested 5 years earlier.
There is no magic pill that you can buy. If you want to create another life, you have to work with the life task.
I have described over and over again how I created things in my life. To become long jumpers, you should do at least 1000 long jumps and 1000 hours of training.
If you want to get to the Olympics, you should do more than 10,000 long jumps and more than 10,000 hours of training. I did about 15,000 hours of training for my world record, in long jump for my injury class at Paraolympisk.
The same if you want to become an artist, musician or veterinarian or other profession. I did 100 paintings to see if I wanted to be an artist. Before, it is not possible to decide. You must, in my opinion, do many hours of work before you can decide if this is really what you want to do. Many read the subject of a profession in younger years, but the majority have a profession in something completely different when they are older.
I would like to say that:
You don’t have to have talent. You need passion to be able to do 10,000 hours in the area you want to succeed.
You need people around you who are like-minded, coaches, inspirers and, above all, people who believe in you, listen to you.
These people, you will need: when in doubt, when you are sad that it does not work, when you make the wrong choice, when you lose all hope of success. This belongs to the process.
So these people around you will support you to overcome all obstacles and keep your focus on your dream of achieving success towards what you are striving for.
Last year 2019, I spent between 500-600 * hours on an advanced Social Media Marketing course and will, among other things, in 2020 start helping people with internet marketing and launch my new website Life Coach Mega.
So now it’s time to see if my 600 hours * of training can produce the return I hope for. I have had great fun with my education and now the fruits will be harvested.
The leading theme from my teachers is:
Do the footwork, reprogram your brain, against the new, which you will create (which is your biggest obstacle, which you will not do), then you need some technical knowledge, but most of it is to train to think from a completely different perspective than where you are now. If you do this, you are there within 12-18 months whatever you want to achieve…
If you do not want to do footwork / rethink, against something new, you will probably live a life that 97% of the earth’s population does. Probably a good life, when you are 70 years old 80 years old and looking back on how you lived.
The 3% who do something else live an extraordinary life, which the other 97% marvel at.
You who read, right up to here …
Thank you: What are your plans for 2020?
Happy new end and welcome to 2020 with new opportunities
Mikael Avatar
Funds of Life Coach Mega, launched in 2020, very soon
* 600 hours per year = 50 hours per month = about 12 hours per week = about 2.5 hours per day Monday to Friday
Cristian Newman
Ian Schneider
Luke Leung
Warren Wong
Vladislav Babienko