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Part 1

1. Learn to Observe Yourself!

Inspiration for you who want to make changes and get a different result in life.


My passion is to follow people and make them come home to themselves and their potential. I rejoice in every new step that man takes.

Part 1 content:

  1. One of the most important steps towards another life is that you learn to observe where you are right now in life.

  2. My client Christine and one of her most important observations.

  3. How the important observation has emerged through my CP injury.


“Magic occurs when you observe yourself and your life.

You get a different perspective. It's like lighting a lamp in a dark room.
Everything becomes so much easier to see

and your new life is easier to reach”.

Mikael Avatar
1: 1 Lifecoach, author

One of the most important
steps I teach my clients

Sometime during my life coaching with me, my clients are given the task of doing a current report, a survey where we only look at where they are right now in life.

A survey is an important step to take at some point during our work. It helps them find out where they want to go and what resources they need to reach another life and in the which order.

Many times, we just live within routines, do tasks and make decisions concerning everyday life. We don't stop and think and make it clear where we really are. If we continue to live the way we do, where do we end up? We run the risk of being in the same place five years later. Where do you want to be in five years?

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Small thought exercise

Before we start with a larger exercise, I will give you a little thought exercise from my book. Stop, breathe and feel what is your first spontaneous response?

What is the thing that you really feel passionate about?

What did you come up with? Feel free to think a little about the question

Exercise: Start your observation

I suggest you start observing yourself in a new way. Just observe! Don't act or change anything.

For example, I tell my clients:

  • What is the first thing you do or think about in the morning?

  • Which shoe do you put on first? Right or left?

  • What roads do you take to reach work, school, gym?

  • When you enter a room. Where do you stand / sit? In the center? At the back?

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You might have hundreds of behaviors and actions that you just do, automatically? Without thinking about it. Some are good, and others less good. You should not evaluate good and bad. Only observe!.

A survey may not seem so exciting. You may be impatiently reading this e-mail, and my book, because you want to know quickly how to get one or more changes in your life. But calm down. This is an important central exercise that, in my experience, lays the foundation for what you want to achieve. You will then look at yourself and your life in a different way and thus be able to act in a different way so that you can, move on in your life and end up where you really want to be.

Begin by observing yourself for a week or ten days.

Observing will give you ideas and you may start to question yourself and your habits. Then the impulse will often come to make a change immediately. Hold on, that impulse! How you can best change, comes in email number four.

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My client Christine's important discovery during the observation.

Christine was one of my clients. She began to observe herself and her automatic habits and discovered something interesting that she had no idea of before.

Most often when she came home, her daughter had lit all the lights in the home. One of Christine's automatic habits was to go around and turn off the unnecessarily lit lights.


Then she noticed that there was a special, big irritation, at the lamp buttons. A familiar irritation that took time and power from her. A precisely recognizable feeling. She later benefited from this observation at an important meeting at work.

One of my automatic habits that I discovered myself
I am a person in constant development and noticed that for a long period I only read business books and how to develop as an entrepreneur. Always in English. (Swedish is my native language). I read about 45 minutes before I went off to sleep.


My observation was that my brain was full of work thoughts almost all day. It was a bit the same obsession as when I trained around the clock to the Paralympics. I realized that I needed to change the automatic habit.


In upcoming chapter you will read more about how both Christine and I changed based on our observations.

How my CP has influenced my unique 1:1 coaching

Now I am about to teach you something that not many people know about CP, not eve doctors. All people have an innate program. When they lift a glass a certain number of times, the body remembers, and they can automatically lift a glass.

For me, it's like lifting the glass for the first time in my life, every time. I don’t have that automatic program. That means I must do everything consciously. If I am to walk, I must consciously decide to take every step. Even the position of the little toe. I must consciously decide to be able to walk. If I don't, I'll fall on the street.

If I must lift a glass of water, I must consciously decide to raise the glass. I can't just stretch out my arm and grab while I think of something else. Then I roll over the glass.

This has meant that I must, all the time, observe myself and make conscious decisions. I have realized the difference between myself and others. Most have many automatic patterns, habits and behaviors that prevent them from achieving change. They do not realize that they are stuck in automated life. So, my CP is worth gold when I help my clients change their lives.


When my clients have used the observation for a while, they look at themselves in a new way. The image of self changes. I mainly notice big differences when it comes to couples / partners.

The client begins to see his/her partner in a different way. It is easier for them to understand the reality of the partner. In fact, something similar to magic can occur because when a person steps out of an automatic reality, the other person is more likely to pull out of her/his. Both get completely different results in e.g. communication and ways of jointly solving problems. When this happens, I know they are on the right track.

Stop living in an automatic realit

The next chapter, part 2, is about:

  1. Practice continues: Write down your automatic habits.

  2. What do you want instead of your automatic habits? Written goals increase your chance of reaching them.

  3. Instead of hitting on the lamp buttons what did Christine want?


Good luck with your self-observation.

It can be an exciting journey.

Mikael Avatar

Livscoach, författare, motiverings föreläsare,

konstnär, musikskapare

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