Mikael Avatar Stjernvall

Apr 28, 20172 min

Cerebral Palsy living independently

Cerebral Palsy living independently
Living independently of other people when you have a differentiation is not so obvious.

I forget that, according to a doctor, I have a CP injury. People assume I live with a 24-hour servis and my wife cares for all chores and supplies me. OJ .. Yes, I have a wife.  Swedish, svenska klicka här http://mikael-avatar-stjernvall.blogspot.com/2017/04/cerebral-palsy-living-independently.html

Not even this is obvious with a wife, if you do not know who I am.

The next thought that arises is: How does she think when she lives with someone like me. What made her choose me … the more people think the more questions arise. How does she provide him it can not be easy. Then add that I’m an artist and create abstract paintings, with abstract music. Not even my wife understands what I do and how can this be explained to any human being?

My wife makes it easy and says … I drive a car and have a driving license. Mostly he drives a motorcycle.

By saying this, this solves many mysteries about our relationship. We are ordinary people and he can drive a motorcycle. Since I moved to Thailand 2009 I did not see a single person with disabilities driving a car or motorcycle. At least in Thailand, very unusual.

Yes .. I do not cook food so often. Maybe sometime a year. Not because I can not.

That’s because my wife has worked as a 5 star chef for 15 years. Her passion is food. The biggest thing she did was as First Chef with 10 others, serving 10,000 guests at the same time.

When you see her in the kitchen, it’s like watching a ballerina dance at the highest level. It’s just a blast of energy. I promise I have nothing in the kitchen to do.

My starting point when it comes to food is that there is some unnecessary pain that man has to do daily. It steals time to make other sensible things …. So I think it’s a good idea that in the kitchen I will not be …

This creates problems. It is rare to go out and eat locally. The food is too bad and when we go out, it often happens that the chef asks my wife to make the food as she is a famous chef …

Among the few times I cook is when the oldest daughter comes and then there is genuine Swedish home cooking on the menu. It is high in courses on the Thai family menu when daughters are tired of Gourmet food ….

#cerebralpalsy #CerebralPalsylivingindependently #livealife
